Tag: tiny house builders

Where To Find A Tiny Home Builder: A Comprehensive List

Where To Find A Tiny Home Builder: A Comprehensive List

tiny home builder united states map

A tiny home builder is a company that specializes in building a tiny house, be it mobile or stationary. If you ever want to own or live in a micro-housing unit, they are the guys you can count on. Which begs the question, are there are any tiny home designers near you?

There are hundreds of tiny home builders in the US. Almost every state has at least one tiny house builder in it.  They are mostly in counties and townships, whose zoning laws are more lenient in the construction of micro-housing. 

Furthermore, tiny home builders also offer a wide range of services such as placing insulation, interior design, deck construction, and more. Some companies also sell tiny home blueprints and floor plans so their customers can build their own units.

Some builders also offer real estate solutions such as a vacant lot in their partner tiny house community where you can park your unit. Additionally, they can even assist you in registering your tiny home as a Recreational Vehicle (RV).

Furthermore, some companies also host seminars about everything there is to know about the Tiny House Movement. If you are lucky, they may even teach you how to build your own tiny home unit for a minimal fee. 

 In this post, we have listed the location of the most reputable tiny house builders in the country. 

CLARA tiny home builder

Tiny Home Builders in the US Sorted By State 

1. Alabama

Alabama is known for its countryside scenery, including the beaches of the Gulf Coast in the south and breathtaking mountain ranges in the north. Tiny house builders in the state construct units that can adapt to warm and  rainy weather. Many of the companies here build tiny homes with cooling vents, and most prefer materials that are resistant to mildew and surface moss. 

  • AL Tiny Homes

Website: www.altinyhomes.com 

Address: 653 Lester Doss Road, Warrior, AL 

  • Atkinson Homes and Cottages

Website: www.atkinsoncottages.com

Address: 33230 US Highway 280, Childersburg, AL

  • Harmony Tiny Homes

Website: None

Address: Oxford, AL

  • Timbercraft Tiny Homes

Website: www.timbercrafttinyhomes.com

Address: 230 Convict Camp Rd, Guntersville, AL

2. Alaska

The northernmost part of the US has icy cold winters that require tiny homes to have thicker insulations. Hence, tiny home builders here go for maximizing interior space that can efficiently regulate the heat inside. They also design their units to have roofs and walls that can support heavy snow load. 

  • Tundra Tiny Houses

Website: https://tundratiny.com/ 

Address: 17571 W Lesser Canada Dr, Wasilla, AL

  • Tiny Timber Homes

Website: https://tundratiny.com/

Address: 17571 W Lesser Canada Dr, Wasilla, AL

3. Arizona

Arizona is known for its arid climate, especially its southwestern desserts, where daytime temperature can climb up to 105 and 115 degrees Fahrenheit. For this reason, most tiny homes here are built with large windows and air conditioning. Some builders also install solar panels to take advantage of its mostly sunny climate.

  • Uncharted Tiny Homes


Address: 24820 N. 16th Ave Ste. 170, Phoenix, AZ

  • Tiny Treasure Homes

Website: http://www.tinytreasurehomes.com/

Address: Cave Creek, AZ

  • LuxTiny

Website: http://www.luxtiny.com/

Address: 1412 Amanda Dr Lakeside, AZ

  • Cinder Box- Micro Dwelling

Website: https://www.cinderboxdwelling.com/

Address: Phoenix, AZ

4. Arkansas

Arkansas has a humid subtropical, much like the rest of the southeastern US. They have steamy summers and relatively mild winters., which many of the builders consider when constructing micro-housing units. The state is also a great outdoor destination, especially the Ozark area. 

  • Slabtown Customs Tiny Houses

Website: None

Address: 602 E Webb St., Mountain View, AR

  • Davis Portable Buildings Arkansas

Website: http://davisportablebuildingsarkansas.com/

Address: Bo, Jeff, Larenda, 301 E. Broadway, Glenwood, AR

5. California

California is the perfect state for outdoor lovers. However, millions of residents were affected during the housing crisis and have found tiny houses as a good residential alternative. California tiny house builders offer a wide range of design and style for their diverse clientele. 

  • Zen Cottages

Website: https://www.zentinyhomes.com/

Address: 227 Rosebay Dr, Encinitas, CA

  • Molecule Tiny Homes

Website: http://moleculetinyhomes.blogspot.com/

Address: Santa Cruz, CA

  • Humble Handcraft

Website: https://www.humblehandcraft.com/

Address: 185 N Olive St, Ventura, CA

  • Avava Dwellings

Website: http://www.avavadwellings.com/

Address: Berkeley, CA

6. Colorado

When you say Colorado, people immediately think of its magnificent mountains, outdoor activities, and winter sports. This combination of nature and a laid back ambiance has made the state the center of the Tiny House Movement. Builders here have different specialties in constructing mountain friendly dwellings. 

  • Tumbleweed Tiny House Company

Website: https://www.tumbleweedhouses.com/

Address: 1450 Valley St, Colorado Springs, CO

  • Rocky Mountain Tiny Houses

Website: https://rockymountaintinyhouses.com/ 

Address: 777 Sawmill Rd, Durango, CO

  • Sprout Tiny Homes

Website: None

Address: 45825 Highway 96 East, Building 583 E, Pueblo, CO

  • MitchCraft Tiny Homes

Website: http://mitchcrafttinyhomes.com/

Address: 233 US-287, Fort Collins, CO

  • Tiny Diamond Homes

Website: https://www.tinydiamondhomes.com/ 

Address: Littleton, CO

7. Connecticut 

Connecticut has a temperate climate with warm summers and mild winters. They also have magnificent trails and gorgeous scenery in the Berkshire mountains. In the next few years, it wouldn’t be surprising if tiny home activities will increase in this state. 

  • There is no known tiny home builder in this state. 

8. Delaware 

Delaware is another state famous for its beaches and hiking trails. The state has a moderate climate. Unfortunately, it has yet to establish tiny home communities in the state. 

  • There is no known tiny home builder in this state. 

9. Florida

Florida is one of the tiny house friendly states. Retirees and snowbirds flock the state thanks to the numerous activities you can do here. Overall, it has a lot of tiny house community where you can park your mobile home or settle your unit permanently. 

  • Sanctuary Tiny Homes

Website: https://www.sanctuarytinyhomes.com/ 

Address: 485 S Shell Rd suite 7b, DeBary, FL

  • Blue Ox Bungalows

Website: None

Address:1060 E Industrial Drive Suite U, Orange City, FL

  • Cornerstone Tiny Homes

Website: https://cornerstonetinyhomes.com/

Address: 1687 Timocuan Way #101, Longwood, FL

  • A New Beginning Tiny Homes

Website: None

Address: 1687 Timocuan Way, Suite 101Longwood, FL

tiny house construction site

10. Georgia

Georgia is known for its vibrancy and is one of the fastest-growing areas in the country today. Just a few miles drive from the city of Atlanta, and you will find a simpler life in the rural South. Furthermore, there are plenty of RV parks and campgrounds where you can park your unit. 

  • Mustard Seed Tiny Homes

Website: https://mustardseedtinyhomes.com/ 

Address: Brogdon Road, Suwanee, GA

  • Free Range Tiny Homes

Website: https://mustardseedtinyhomes.com/

Address: Suwanee, GA

  • Hummingbird Tiny Housing

Website: http://www.hummingbirdhousing.com/

Address: 3662 Old Macon Road, Danville, GA

  • Otter Hollow Design

Website: http://www.otterhollowdesign.com/ 

Address: Canton, GA

11. Hawaii

The island of Hawaii has a tropical climate. As such, tiny home builders try to maximize ventilation into their units by adding large windows. Most tiny homes here are usually built on a foundation. 

  • Habitats Hawaii

Website: https://www.habitatshawaii.com/

Address: 44-3201 Kula Kahiko Rd, HI

  • Tiny Pacific Houses

Website: https://www.tinypacifichouses.com/   

Address: Honolulu, HI

  • Island Tiny Homes

Website: http://islandtinyhomes.com/

Address: Maui, HI

12. Idaho

Another state known for camping and hiking, Idaho is great for outdoorsy people. It also snows in the state, which is why builders invest in insulation. Furthermore, they also use materials that can withstand heavy snow loads. 

  • Tiny Idahomes


Address: 1050 Cascade Road, Building No. 4, Emmett, ID

  • Tiny Portable Cedar Cabins

Website: https://www.tinyportablecedarcabins.com/

Address: Spirit Lake, ID

13. Illinois

The state of Illinois has a good balance of urban and rural life. The city of Chicago is known for its high-priced real estate. Tiny homes are a great choice for people who want an inexpensive housing option. 

  • Bantam Built

Website: https://bantambuilthomes.com/

Address: 1640 Shanahan Dr, South Elgin, IL

  • Switchgrass Tiny Homes

Website: https://switchgrasstinyhomes.com/ 

Address: Champaign, IL

14. Indiana

Indiana has a humid continental climate known for being windy all year round. The main challenge for builders here is to design units that can resist high levels of rain and wind. Furthermore, the state is known for its vast open plains and occasional storms. 

  • Unplugged Houses

Website: None 

Address: W County Road 900 S, Pendleton, IN

  • Carpenter Owl

Website: https://www.carpenterowl.com/ 

Address: 611 W 11th St, Bloomington, IN

15. Iowa

While Iowa has vast areas of open space, they haven’t been as friendly to the tiny house dwellers. There are still a lot of jurisdictions that impose strict zoning laws that prevent the construction of tiny homes. 

  • Tiny Vastu Cabin

Website: http://www.vastucabin.com/

Address: Fairfield, IA

16. Kansas

Kansas is an agricultural state with great extremes between winter and summer temperatures. There are hardly any tiny homes in this area.  

  • There is no known tiny home builder in this state. 

17. Kentucky

Kentucky’s famous bluegrass plains are the perfect place to settle. There are also tons of things you can explore in the Appalachian mountains. Tiny home builders here have it easy as the place has a moderate climate all year round.

  • Amish Kentucky

Website: http://amishmadecabins.com/

Address: 772 Cedar Grove Rd, Shepherdsville, KY

  • WheelLife Tiny Homes

Website: https://wheellifehomes.com/

Address:  576 Deer Run Rd, Cold Spring, KY

18. Louisiana

Louisiana has a hot and humid climate. It also has a diverse landscape from coastal regions to swamps. As such, tiny home builders here specialize in keeping their units ventilated while keeping the water out. 

  • Tee Tiny Houses

Website: https://teetinyhouses.wordpress.com/our-models/ 

Address: 1056B Coteau Rodaire Hwy., Arnaudville LA

  • Preservation Tiny House Company

Website: http://www.preservationtinyhouse.com/ 

Address: 1900 St Claude Ave, New Orleans, LA

19. Maine

Maine is one of the northernmost parts of the US, and winters here can be quite daunting. On the flip side, Maine offers tons of outdoor activities such as boating, fishing, hiking, and camping during fall. Hence, most units here are built for those two polarizing seasons. 

  • Creative Cottages

Website: None

Address: Freeport, ME

  • Tiny Homes of Maine

Website: https://tinyhousesofmaine.com/

Address: 8 Morin St, Biddeford, ME 

20. Maryland

Maryland is known for its fascinating shores, which are loaded with fun activities such as kayaking and surfing. It also has a mild climate, which is perfect if you want to take a vacation. The state only has a few RV parks, which makes it difficult to park your mobile home.

  • Hobbitat Spaces

Website: http://hobbitatspaces.com/ 

Address: 428 Blue Sky Drive, Oakland, MD

  • Civic Works Tiny Homes

Website: http://civicworks.com/

Address: 2701 St Lo Dr, Baltimore, MD

  • Container Homes of Maryland and I CAN BUILD IT LLP

Website: https://www.icanbuilditllp.com/ 

Address: Hagerstown, MD

small home interior

21. Massachusetts

Massachusetts is known as the landing place of the Pilgrims and the Mayflower. The state is densely populated and can be very cold during the winter. Several townships also have restrictive zoning, which is a challenge that tiny home builders may help you with. 

  • B&B Precision Builders (B&B Micro Manufacturing)

Website: https://bbtinyhouses.com/

Address: 201 Howland Ave., Adams MA

22. Michigan

Renowned for its Great Lakes, Michigan is the place to be if you want watersports and other outdoor activities. However, because it borders Canada, you can expect cold winters. As such, builders of mobile homes here prioritize insulation, heating components, and snow load reinforcement when building a unit. 

  • Michigan Tiny Homes

Website: https://www.greatlakestinyhome.com/

Address: Mt. Pleasant, MI

23. Minnesota

Minnesota is known for producing dairy products, corn, wheat, and hogs. It also offers a gorgeous sight of the countryside just mere hours from its major cities. The winters here can be icy, which is what most tiny home builders have to solve when building a tiny house. 

  • Tiny Green Cabins

Website: http://tinygreencabins.com/ 

Address: 10661 Nassau St NE Ste 1100 Blaine, MN

  • Alpha Tiny Homes

Website: http://tinyhomesoffgridlife.homestead.com/ 

Address: 1328 Highway 96 E 55110 White Bear Lake, MN

24. Mississippi

The hot and humid state of Mississippi is the birthplace of the King of Rock and Roll– Elvis Presley. The weather here can also be rocking, especially during the summer. Most tiny homes here are designed to provide ventilation and keep its occupants cool. 

  • Tiny House Life

Website: http://www.tinyhouselifespace.com/

Address: 628 U.S. Highway 98 Hattiesburg, MS

25. Missouri

Missouri is regarded as the geographical center of the United States. It’s home to some of the rich national forests of the country which offers plenty of outdoor activities. They also have a decent tiny house presence and a few viable parking spots. 

  • Custom Container Living

Website: https://customcontainerliving.com/ 

Address: Archie, MO

  • Classic Building Sales

Website: https://www.classicbuildingsales.com/ 

Address: 67 Progress Lane Linn, MO

  • Mini Mansion Tiny Home Builders

Website: https://minimansionstinyhomebuilders.com/ 

Address:  Saint Peters, MO

26. Montana

Nicknamed the Treasure State, Montana is rich in minerals such as gold, copper, and silver. It’s also known for its vast open space, making it the perfect getaway for any outdoorsman. However, its low population also means there’s just a small presence of the tiny house movement here.   

  • A Room of One’s Own

Website: https://charlesfinn.wixsite.com/a-room-of-ones-own 

Address: Missoula, MT


Website: http://www.ecobuilthomes.com/ 

Address: 2521 Old Hardin Road, Billings, MT

27. Nebraska

Nebraska has the potential to be a tiny home dwellers paradise. It has numerous open spaces, a few cities for modern-day living, and lots of inexpensive lands. However, zoning laws and the difficulty of obtaining permits for building a tiny house derail such prospects. 

TIny Midwest

Website: https://midwesttinyliving.com

Address: 3953 45th Ave SE, Saint Cloud, NE

28. Nevada

Two things Nevada is known for- its dessert and Las Vegas. One of the challenges of builders here is to keep their customers cool once they are in their tiny home unit. Luckily, there are numerous natural and artificial cooling methods that they can use to keep the tiny house temperature just right.

  • Old Hippie Design

Website: http://oldhippieww.com/

Address: 5117 Cereus Ct 89146 Las Vegas, NV

  • Tahoe Tiny House and Trailers

Website: https://www.tahoetinyhousesandtrailers.com/ 

Address: South Lake Tahoe, NV

  • Sierra Tiny Homes Reno

Website: https://www.sierratinyhouses.com/

Address: Reno, NV

29. New Hampshire

Another outdoor recreational center, New Hampshire is the place to be for skiing, snowboarding, hiking, and camping. While there is only one known tiny home builder in the state, they are known for producing some of the best models out there. 

  • Tiny House Northeast

Website: https://tinyhousenortheast.com/ 

Address: Wakefield, NH

30. New Jersey 

New Jersey is one of the most populated states in the country, thanks to its large and mid-sized cities. There are also a few recreations here, such as the Pine Barrens. Currently, there’s only one tiny home builder in this region. 

Big B’s Tiny Homes

Website: https://www.bigbtinyhomes.com/

Address: Southern New Jersey

tiny house on the mountains

31. New Mexico

Snowbirds often flock this state during the winter months. Its milder climate is quite alluring, especially for people who are escaping the cold. Builders here utilize every method to catch every cooling breeze while keeping their units well insulated. 

  • Southwest Tiny Homes

Website: None

Address: 520 Central Ave #B Williamsburg, NM

  • Piney Pods

Website: https://www.pineypods.com/ 

Address: 137 Deer Park Drive – Alto, NM 

32. New York

As the famous song said, New York is a “concrete jungle where dreams are made of.” But aside from the Empire State building, the state is also known for its rural and semi-rural areas. Builders here design their tiny home models to withstand the cold temperatures brought by the occasional snow. 

  • Tiny Hamptons Homes

Website: https://tinyhamptonshomes.com/

Address: 210 David Whites Ln unit a, Southampton, NY 

  • Bear Creek Carpentry

Website: https://bearcreektinyhouses.com/

Address: Woodgate, NY

  • Hudson River Tiny Homes

Website: https://www.hudsonrivertinyhomes.com/ 

Address: 3429 U.S. 9, Valatie, NY

33. North Carolina

There are plenty of outdoor stuff to explore in North Carolina from its lowlands to its mountainous regions. While the state generally has a mild climate, higher places are known for their snow. As such, tiny home builders here design their units to withstand winter while also keeping them cool during the summer. 

  • Brevard Tiny House Company

Website: https://brevardtinyhouse.com/

Address: Asheville, NC

  • Perch & Nest

Website: https://www.perchandnest.com/

Address: Winston-Salem, NC

  • Migration Tiny Homes

Website: None

Address: Richfield, NC

Wishbone Tiny Homes

Website: http://www.wishbonetinyhomes.com/

Address:  Asheville, NC

34. North Dakota

There is one word that can best describe North Dakota– it’s wild. The state is host to a long stretch of national forests and public land for recreation. Most of its rural areas also have very limited restrictions, plus the fact that land is cheap makes it a tiny house haven.  

  • Tilt Cabins

Website: None

Address: Minot, ND

35. Ohio

Ohio has a vivacious tiny house presence. While the state is known for snowfall and cold winters, tiny home builders here are well prepared and keep this fact when designing their mobile home models.

  • Modern Tiny Living

Website: https://www.moderntinyliving.com/ 

Address: Columbus, OH

  • Skosh Tiny Living

Website: None

Address: Rittman, Ohio

  • Small Spaces CLE

Website: https://www.smallspacescle.com/

Address: 4565 Willow Parkway Cuyahoga HTS, OH

36. Oklahoma 

Oklahoma is not quite as mountainous as most states where there are plenty of outdoor activities. It’s mostly plains and a few low mountains and rolling hills here and there. With that said, there is almost no sign of tiny house presence in this state. 

  • There is no known tiny home builder in this state. 

37. Oregon

The progressive and bustling state of Oregon is a tiny home friendly territory. With tons of outdoor activities, excellent housing sector, and a robust job market, it’s one of the centers of the tiny home movement. Tiny house builders flock  the state, and there are plenty of designs to choose from. 

  • Tiny Heirloom

Website: https://www.tinyheirloom.com/

Address: 9002 N Sever Ct. Portland, OR 

  • Handcrafted Movement

Website: https://handcraftedmovement.com/

Address: Portland, Oregon

  • Tiny Mountain Homes

Website:  https://www.tinymountainhouses.com/

Address: Salem, OR

  • Tiny SMART House


Address: 34025 Texas St SW, Albany, OR

  • Oregon Cottage Company

Website: https://oregoncottagecompany.net/

Address: 831 Snell St, Eugene, OR

  • Shelter Wise 

Website: https://www.shelterwise.com/mobile-home/

Address: 18179 Portland, OR

38. Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania is known for a lot of things from its major cities, its forests, and of course– chocolate factories. However, it’s densely populated and has plenty of building requirements, plus it has very strict zoning laws. Still, there are a few tiny home builders here that can take on the job of producing your dream tiny house. 

  • 84 Lumber Tiny Living

Website: https://www.84lumber.com/

Address: Eighty Four, PA

  • Liberation Tiny House

Website: https://www.liberationtinyhomes.com/

Address: 101 Ashmore Drive, Leola, PA

  • The Unknown Craftsmen

Website: None

Address: Unityville, PA

39. Rhode Island

The tiniest state in the country has a low population. With an area of just 1,214 miles, there’s hardly any tiny home presence here. 

  • There is no known tiny home builder in this state. 

40. South Carolina

South Carolina’s landscape is quite diverse. It also has plenty of activities to offer, such as hiking and beach activities. The climate here can be humid and hot, especially during the summer. 

  • Driftwood Homes USA

Website: None

Address: 49 Pennington Dr Ste F, Bluffton, SC 

  • Green River Log Cabins

Website: https://greenriverlogcabins.com/

Address: 770 W. Frontage Rd Campobello, SC

tiny house contractors

41. South Dakota 

South Dakota is known for its cheap tracts of land and vast empty spaces. It also has some of the most popular national parks such as Mt. Rushmore and the Badlands. However, given its low population, there is hardly any tiny home presence in this region. 

There is no known tiny home builder in this state. 

42. Tennessee

The state of Tennessee has some of the best snowboard and ski resorts in the country. It also has a rugged yet breathtaking mountain landscapes such as the Blue Ridge Mountains. Its chilly winters and humid summers require tiny home builders to be versatile in their craft. 

  • New Frontier Tiny Homes

Website: https://www.newfrontiertinyhomes.com/

Address: Nashville, TN

  • Incredible Tiny Homes

Website: http://www.incredibletinyhomes.com/ 

Address: 850 Industrial Road, Newport, TN

  • Wind River Tiny Home

Website: https://www.windrivertinyhomes.com/

Address: Chattanooga, TN

  • Heartland Tiny Homes

Website: https://www.heartlandtinyhomes.com/ 

Address: 1100 The Trace Rd, Dover, TN 

43. Texas

The largest state of continental US has a strong tiny house presence. Thanks to its vibrant modern cities and vast areas of rural land, it’s one of the best places to settle your tiny home on wheels. Many of the small home builders here are known to export their tiny house models to other parts of the country. 

  • Tiny Life Construction

Website: http://www.tinylifeconstruction.com/

Address:  3500 Apache Forest Drive, Austin, TX

  • Nomad Tiny Homes

Website: http://www.nomadtinyhomes.com/

Address: Dripping Springs, TX

  • TexZen Tiny Home Company

Website: http://texzentinyhomes.com/

Address: 11800 Manchaca Rd, Austin, TX

  • American Tiny House

Website: https://www.americantinyhouse.com/

Address: 5805 East US Highway 80, Longview, TX

  • Kanga Rooms

Website: http://kangaroomsystems.com/

Address: 3501 Jack Kultgen Expressway76711 Waco, TX

44. Utah

When you think of Utah, you immediately associate it with outdoor activities. From snowboarding to skiing, this state is the place to be when you’re an outdoor lover. No wonder there is a strong presence of the tiny house movement here. 

  • Alpine Tiny Homes

Website: None

Address: 462 E 1750 N; Vineyard, UT

  • Maximus Extreme Living Solutions

Website: None

Address: 1193 West Wilson Lane, West Haven, UT

45. Vermont

While the tiny house movement hasn’t really boomed in Vermont, it’s slowly gaining traction. With tons of outdoor activities to offer, especially in the Green Mountains, it has the potential to be a tiny house hub. A couple of builders also think so and have set up shop in the state.  

  • Jamaica Cottage Shop

Website: https://jamaicacottageshop.com/

Address: 170 Winhall Station Rd, South Londonderry, VT 

  • Tiny House Crafters

Website: None

Address: Sherwood Forest 05148 Londonderry, VT

46. Virginia

Jamestown in Virginia is known as the first English settlement in the country. Known as the “birthplace of America,” Virginia has one of the most famous national parks in the US– Shenandoah. Besides that here are also a couple of tiny house companies in the country that can help you build your micro-housing needs. 

  • Tiny House Building Company

Website: https://www.tinyhousebuildingcompany.com/

Address: 11001 Houser Drive Suite 16 Fredericksburg, VA

  • Build Tiny

Website: https://build-tiny.com/ 

Address:  Clarke County, VA

47. Washington

Washington has a fair treatment for the tiny house movement. Indeed, it’s population of outdoor-loving people is also into sustainable living. Additionally, it also has one of the major employment capitals in the US– Seattle city. 

  • Zyl Vardos

Website: http://www.zylvardos.com/

Address: Olympia, WA

  • Cascade Tiny Homes

Website: http://www.cascadetinyhouses.com/

Address:  6400 Woodlyn Rd 98248 Ferndale, WA

  • Greenpod Development

Website: http://www.greenpoddevelopment.com/

Address:606 Roosevelt St, Port Townsend, WA

  • Minim Homes

Website: https://minimhomes.com/ 

Address: Washington, D.C. 

48. West Virginia

West Virginia’s rugged terrain and low population density make it quite hard for the tiny house movement to establish its roots. 

There is no known tiny home builder in this state. 

49. Wisconsin

Dubbed as America’s dairyland, Wisconsin is a well-known producer of cheese. Besides that, its rural landscapes are also quite a sight to behold. It also has cold winters and warm summers, which most tiny house builders in the area try to address.


Website: https://www.escapetraveler.net/

Address: Rice Lake, WI

  • Utopian Villas

Website:  http://www.utopian-villas.com/

Address: 3123 S. Memorial Dr. Mt. Pleasant, WI 

  • MODS International

Website: https://www.mods.us/

Address: 5523 Integrity Way Appleton, WI 

50. Wyoming

If you ever consider alternative sustainable living, then Wyoming is one of the best places to be. With just a population of above half a million over a hundred thousand square miles, you can find privacy here. Furthermore, the parcels of land are quite affordable, making it a great retirement retreat.  

  • Wheelhaus

Website: https://wheelhaus.com/

Address: Jackson, WY 

  • Teton Buildings

Website: http://tetonbuildings.com/

Address: 2701 Magnet St, Houston, TX 

mobile home builders

Hiring a Tiny Home Builder vs. Doing It Yourself (DIY)

Learning how to build a home, even on a smaller scale, has a steep learning curve. This is doubly true if you don’t have any background in carpentry, plumbing, electrical wiring, and other building skills. 

Commissioning a Tiny Home Builder

As such, many individuals who want to own a tiny home usually hire the services of a builder. Most builders even have a team of professionals such as architects, structural engineers, and contractors who can produce the tiny house of your dream.

Additionally, you won’t need to worry about how to get the materials for the project as the company also has its construction supplies. All you have to do is help out on the design phase and let the rest of their team do the heavy work.

Depending on the size of your tiny home, its materials, and the amenities inside it– your builder may ask you anywhere between $10,000 and $150,000. To prevent going over your budget, you can tell your builder how much you are willing to spend for the tiny house. They will then present you with a design concept that fits your preference and the amount you are ready to pay.  

When looking for a tiny home builder and the tiny home you want them to build, here are some things to consider:

  • Quote or estimate of the project and what’s included
  • Materials that they will use such as fiberglass for insulation
  • Size and gross weight of the tiny house unit
  • Space-saving features and overall functionality
  • The estimated time it would take to complete your tiny home
tiny house builders

Most commissioned tiny home projects to have a timeframe of 3 to 6 months before they are finished and ready for furnishing. Some tiny home companies even deliver completed tiny homes right at your doorstep or front yard. 


  • Takes a shorter time to build your tiny home
  • Won’t take too much of your precious time
  • Better quality as professionals make them
  • The design complies with RVIA standards 


  • Generally more expensive than DIY
  • Finding the right builder within your state

DIY Project

On the other hand, you can also build your own tiny houses provided that you have the tools and knowledge to do so. A lot of the early owners of tiny homes made their units during their spare time. 

Moreover, some tiny home companies also sell blueprints and teach people how to construct their own micro houses. You can even go to seminars held by these building companies so you can learn the basics of building a house.

Consequently, constructing your tiny home unit takes time, especially if it’s on the broadside. Several factors can determine the time it would take to finish this DIY project:

  • Size and design of the tiny home
  • Type of materials that you will be using
  • Amount of time you can allocate for the project
  • Number of people working
  • Level of expertise of the workers
tiny house construction in progress

If you stumble upon a problem that is beyond your knowledge, its advisable that you consult an expert. Structural engineers, carpenters, and even your local contractor can point you in the right direction of your tiny home building efforts.   


  • Generally much cheaper than letting a builder assemble one for you
  • You can freely choose the design and materials to use
  • Highly customizable up to the smallest detail
  • Very rewarding once you finished building the tiny unit


  • Takes 3-4 times longer to build compared to a builder’s unit
  • Requires the owner to learn a lot of things about construction


The majority of the states in the United States have at least one tiny home builder in it. Furthermore, you can visit them in their workshop and see the tiny home models in their showroom. Hence, making it easier for you to design or choose on the tiny home of your dreams. 

Related Questions

How much will it cost you to build your own tiny home?

According to a tiny house community survey in 2015, the average cost of building your own tiny house is around $23,000. However, you can still build a tiny house at a lower budget depending on its design, size, materials, and additional labor.

My state doesn’t have a tiny home builder; why?

There are a lot of factors why a tiny home builder has yet to set up shop in a state. It could be that the zoning laws in the state don’t make it attractive for people to own a tiny home.